These Items were originaly from my Second edition game. I have
the originals listed in the Kenzer forum at This list has been edited for use with Hackmaster, many items were far too powerful.
Magical Items and Artifacts of Ganna
Revised for Hackmaster 6/3/04
Magic Items- Magical Items made for Ganna but not a Relic or Artifact
Dagger of Ricochet- This dagger when thrown
in an enclosed area (no more than 100 X 100 ft) will bounce off the walls, floors and ceilings causing 1d100 points of damage
to all but the thrower. Stone Skinned creatures may subtract 1d20 from total damage, but all stone skins are taken off. This
item only has one charge and is destroyed after one use.
Anti-Vorpal Collar- This seems to be a large
clamp, much like a shackle used on ones Leg or wrist, except much larger. When placed on neck, a blow by a Vorpal blade or Sword of Sharpness which would normally Decapitate its victim, will only cause the collar
to break instead. The victim suffers normal damage. The collar normally only works once and is then destroyed, but very few
have been made to work endlessly .
Ring of the Centar- This item will turn the
bottom half of the humanoid creature who wears it into a horse. If a centaur wears the ring he will turn into a human.
Unique Items
El Pedo Maker- This sword originated in
Rankar in the Age of Races. Senior Jose Del Diablo had this sword made to insult his arch-rival Don Juan Denero who was a
master duelist and refined gentleman schooled in etiquette. During their final duel Del Diablo used the swords powers to insult
and enrage his opponent so much that he finally won.
This sword is a +3/+3
Long Sword with a bronze handle and steel blade. The hilt is in the shape of two human hands with its pointer fingers pointing
outward. When the left finger of the sword is pulled a huge flatulation will sound from blades tip, acting like a horn of blasting (1/day). If right finger
of the sword pulled a stinking cloud will be cast at 10th level ability. Again a fart sound will be made, but not
as loud. (1/day). The sword is non intelligent, so has no Al, Int, or Ego.
The Flying Axe of Minsc- This axe originally was created for a mercenary in Middle Conford named
Killkar the Bloody in the Age of the Dark Queen. The axe was called The Flying
Guillotine for it could cleave a mans
head from 50 yards. Killkar was killed while fighting Vandro Hothner and the axe was buried with him. In the Age of the Comet
the axe was found and awarded to Mahu the Battlerager but didnt do much. Later, Minsc the worlds only lizard like Viking buys
the weapon and most associate the mighty weapon with its strangest owner. The Flying Axe of Minsc is a +3 double handed axe.
It can fly up to 50 yards and has Vorpal capabilities.
Uru Hammer of Gallant- This was a war hammer forged by Thor for a worshiper of his named Gallant
FireAxe. With it, Gallant did many great deeds until his fall in the Temple
of Bunderhurst. The Hammer may only be wielded by a member of the Fireaxe family and
has the following powers. It is a +2 war hammer, which allows the user to , control weather 1/day, Allows open a porthole
to the Astral Plane 1/week, but cannot open a porthole from the Astral to the Prime material,
If thrown will tow the weilder (and only the wielder, no ride alongs) to any location on the planet (assuming the wielder
knows how to get there) 1/day, Will always return to it wielder after thrown.
The Sword of Yandalla- This magical +3 short sword
was one of the 3 weapons given to the village of Hobbitown to protect
them from the Drakolich Deathwielder. Handed down through the Biggenger family, this sword has the power to Teleport 1/day
and Full heal its master. It can also detect invisible creatures in a 10 radius.
The Sword of Knightfall- This sword was made by Kellena and Dalwin Knightfall for their daughter
Laurana in the Age of the Comet. Kellena was a powerful priestess of the elven deity Corellon Larethian. During the Shieldmeet
ceremony the deity blessed the weapon. Shortly after its presentation to Laurana, both Kellena and Dalwin were killed by the
Wasie Clan. The Sword of Knightfall is a +2/+2 Long sword with a platinum hilt and a Glass steel blade. The sword dose triple
damage to undead . The sword may Detect Magic, Invisibility, and Evil in 10 radius. It may cast light at will. 1/day it may
cast a 8d6 Fireball. The sword may communicate telepathically with wielder in
common or elvish. Al: LG Int: 17 Ego:
The Sword of Eagle Eye- Made for the elven fighter-thief
Eagle Eye in the Age of Races by the master elven weapon smith Wycliffe. The Sword of Eagle Eye is a Basterd Sword
+3/+3 made of pure mythril. When a natural 20 is rolled the sword is stabbed into the victims chest. The wielder then twist
the handle and the blade of the sword splits in the victims chest cavity. The victim must make a saving throw verses death
magic. If they succeed the victim takes automatic triple damage. If they fail then the wielder pulls and the rib cage from the victims chest is pulled out causing instant death. This ability can only be used on humanoid
creatures, up to larger than man. It may not be used in huge or gigantic creatures. May speak telepathically with user in
Artifacts and Relics
Axe of the Fore Fathers- Given to the Dwarves by Mordin, the Axe of the Fore Fathers is the sister
to the Axe of the Dwarfish Lords. The Axe of the Fore Fathers is a double handed Battle Axe with a golden axe head. The head
is decorated with an engraved picture of a beautiful mountain scene. The Axe
is a +3/+3 axe of the tunnel runners. The axe enables the dwarf who used it to Stone Shape (3/day), Stone Skin (2/day), Skin
to Stone or Stone to Skin (3/day) and Wall Pass (2/day). The wielder will gain 22 strength. The Axe will speak telepathically in dwarfish. Int:7 Ego:15 Al: CN
The Long Spear of Justice- Tribe artifact of the Karen Tribe. +2 Long spear. +7 vs. Chaotic aligned
creatures (NPCs and Players included) . Will slay (no saving throw) any worshiper of Ares.
The Great Maul of Thunder- Tribe artifact
of Orion tribe. +3 Maul. Wielder may Call lightning (1/day), acts as hammer of thunder bolts.
Tarakian Bastard Sword- Tribe artifact of
the Tarakian tribe. +4 bastard sword. Vorpal capabilities, lightning bolt (1/day as wielder level), Commune with the gawd
Zenyar (1/month).
Sword of Truth- Tribe artifact of Arkin tribe.
+2 Broad Sword. Detect Lie at will, if question is answered faulty and liar is hit, he will die (no saving throw). This sword
will not harm one who has spoken the truth.
Manbane- Tribe artifact of the Golden Feather
Tribe. +3 Javelin, Can turn into lightning bolt of equal hit dice of caster (5/day). If 20 is scored on a male, the javelin
hits him in his manhood for triple damage and cause 1d20 in electrical damage. Manbane will teleport into wielder hand after
Axe of the Wasie- Tribe artifact of Wasie Tribe. +4 Vorpal
Battle Axe. Functions as Axe of throwing.
The Ruby Skull of Knowledge-
Once a Mage named Myer wished to know all the knowledge in the universe. His wish was granted and he became the Ruby Skull
of knowledge. The Ruby skull allows anyone to turn undead as a cleric of the same level no matter what class the user is.
The following powers may only be used by the Ruby Skull once a year. Even if the skull passes ownership, The powers will not
renew until the next year. When the words Skull of Myer awaken and speak. Tell me the answers to that which I speak. Are said
the skull will levitate and ghostly eyes will appear in its sockets. The skull will answer any one question very thoroughly
. (A question may be the location of a lost object, the origin of an object or a god, ect.). Also the skull may tell you any
spell in existence.
Tapestry of the Dark Queen- During the Age of the Comet, Takisis made this tapestry of Takisis,
Shanya (level 12 ½ orc assassin), Lestar (Level 12 Human Cavalier) , Rakteem
(Level 12 Human Mage), and Cindy (Level 14 Elven Thief) all holding hands. These were once followers of the dark queen and
destined to release her into the world. The failed due to infighting and destroyed one and other. For years the reason for this tapestry was clouded in mystery. It was found out that a clone of any of the
four people in the tapestry could be made if the command word was spoken.