The Quickling (Unsanctioned Hackmaster Race)
Converted by Doctordoom for the Hackmaster System
In the creation of the world the Gawd Loki saw the creation of the creatures of the lands and thought it would be fit
to imself to make a creature in his and thus took a drop of his own blood, mud from the earth and the energy from a lightning
bolt and formed two tiny form's he would call Quicklings Naming the first three Jastoi, Jestoi and Justoi. Named thus for
the lightning speed in these compact little bodies. In their first breath of life they grinned to each other and then to their
creator laughing with mischief and cooped from their tiny pouches at their hips mud and hurled it at their creator. Giggling,
they then took from within their tiny frames built up energy shooting from their tiny hands little bolts of energy making
the mud on their maker dry into hard clay. Laughing at the mayhem and mischief the little creatures caused He told them to
go into the world and multiply in the lands of Omen. To this day he watches over his creatures as the mischievous little beings
are the pranksters and jokesters of the races.
The quickling race are a tiny people they are 21-30 (20 + 1d10) inches tall and up to 19 – 26 (18 + 1d8) pounds.
Their hair ranges from blond to dark brown and their eye color varies from light blue to dark brown.
Required Stats:
18 Dexterity
Classes allowed
Thief (10), Mage (5), Priest (6), Druid (5), Ranger (7),
Racial Bonus:
Due to their magical nature they have a natural +2 to Dexterity , -2 constitution , 5 maximum strength. Gain the same
thief bonuses as pixie fairies, but no bonuses on thief skills for wearing no armor.
Quicklings move at a 96 movement rate and can cast the following once a day. Venrtil, Forget, Levitate, Shatter, Dig,
Fire Charm.
Quicklings Start with a natural AC of 4 and their dex bonus. (HOB quicklings have a 25 dex and have +8 to AC giving them
a -3 AC.)
When standing still quickling vibrate so quickly they are invisible. When running through an open area they only have
a 10% chance of being seen.
Racial Restrictions
Cannot be any fighter classes except the Ranger.
Can only use pixie fairy size weapons, and S size weapons in 2 hands.
Cannot use any armor, but may ware magic cloaks, rings, bracers ect.
Life span of quickling is very short. (Starting age 2 + 1d4/ Max age 16+ 1d4)
Poisons on set times work twice as fast on quicklings.
Quicklings cannot be hasted.
Quicklings gain only 10 hit point kicker instead of the 20 hp kicker.
Quickling gain only ½ Hit points rolled each level rounded up.
PC Qucklings are outcast of quckling society and don’t save as a 19th level cleric.
Racial Talents
Acrobatic Skill Suite, Acute Alertness, Ambidexterity, Astute Observation, Blind Fighting, Faerie Kind marshal Arts, Hit
Point bonus, Keen Sight, Quick Draw, Dagger bonus
Quickling start with 6 BP
Half breed of Dwarf and human. Generally viewed with disdain by
Dwarves, and by humans as slaves. Either way the grow up neglected, and
often beaten. In slavery they are accomplished labourers who can work
harder and longer than just about any other race. They are often used
as Gladiators, and make for high entertainment in those circles. While
they take to gladiatorial combat well, they are very rarely used in the
military. Perhaps they fear controlling them, but also because single
combat is far different than a war. Muls have inherited dwarven
stuborness, and once set on freedom, they are rarely kept.
+1 Str, +1 Con, -2 Cha, -1 Com
BP Bonus: 7
Fighter U, Beserker 16, Thief 10, Assassin 15, Knight Errant 9,Gladiators U, F/T, F/A, B/A
Infravision 30 feet.
save bonus vs. magic/poison (PH table 2T)
+1 to hit in any sort of duel
50% chance of facial scar (due to abuse and fights growing up)
Cannot specialize (as most fighters).
Pays double the BP cost for any non-combat skill
-1 to hit with any non-thrown ranged weapons
-50% to roll on Social Class Table.
10% chance of failure with magic items except armour, weapons, shields
and if a thief, items that duplicate thief skills.
Languages: Common, Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Orc
They get one language for free (common, human, or dwarf) and speak it
fluently, but cannot read or write it unless they take it in the
language skill.
Max. Age range: 50 + 1d100
Base Age: 15 + 1d6
Height 46 male/43 female +3d8
Weight 140 male/ 115 female +6d12
Birth Modifier: Table 4G +20%; Table 4H 0.
Thief skills modifiers: PP -5%, DN +5%, FT +5%, RT -5%, MS -5%, RL -15%
Abilities min male/female
Abilities max male/female
S 8 8
S 19 18
D 6 7
D 18 18
C 7 7
C 19 19
I 4 4
I 18 18
W 3 3
W 17 16
Ch 3 3
Ch 14 14
Co 3 3
Co 14 13
Aditional Talents: Ambidextrous, Acute Alertness, Attack Bonus, Blind
Fighting, Damage Bonus, Dense Skin, Endurance, Heat resistance, Hit
Point Bonus, Resistance, Taunt, Acute Observation, Less Sleep, Sixth
Sense, Stealth, Tough Hide
Smilodonian (Sabertooth Tiger Man)
An unofficial Race for the Hackmaster System. This race is to take the place of the "Rakasha" race found on
X1: The Isle of Dread
By doctordoom
Smilodonians are a primitive race composed of Half man and half Smilodan (Sabertooth Tiger). They live in a wide variety
of clements but are normally found in Jungles or Mountainous regions. Smilodonians are carnivores and do not eat any type
of vegetation. They are large humanoids and seem to be very menacing and war like. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Smilodoians are a kind and gentile race usually attempting to parlay and barter their way from a situation if they know they
have the upper hand. They will fight if the need to arises.
Smilodonians live in a tribe and are lead by a chief. Smilodonian tribes usually consist of 30-100 members, but if food
allows a tribe may reach up to 200+. The chief if chosen in ceremonial combat, fighting with only their hands and teeth. A
chief may be challenged at any time, except for times of war (which is determined by the tribes shamans). A Smilodonian Chieftain
is usually an 8th level member of a warrior class. Female chiefs are not common, but have been known to exist.
Female Smilodonian out number male Smilodonian 8 to 1. (When giving birth there is a 87% Female cub and a 13% male cub).
The female Smilodonians compose the majority of all Smilodonian Warriors, but male Smilodonian warriors usually lead war parties
and are usually the ones that are chosen to become Shamans. Smilodonians fight along Smilodon Tigers (Sabertooth Tigers) that
they live among and have trained for battle.
Each Smilodonian tribe follows only one pantheon. Normally a tribe worships one of the 4 elements, these tribes will have
shamans instead of an actual cleric or druid acting as the tribes priest. Tribes that do have actual clerics and druids worship
Native American deities or other deities that have a nature sphere of control such as a sun gawd or sky gawd. These gods will
usually have a different name. An example will be if a tribe has a 3rd level cleric and he is the cleric of “Gwag
the Sky Lord”, he is in fact a cleric of Oden. A Smilodonians cleric, shaman, or druid at 7th level may learn to
brew the “Saber” potion. This potion will regrow a sabertooth that has broken. When the potion is drank,
the imbiber will drop to 0 HP fall unconscious. A system shock must be made and if they survive the ordeal, the new teeth
will have grown in 6 hours when they regain consciousness. This potion is also given to young male Smilodonians as a right
of passage at the age of 12. Females teeth grow in naturally and are full grown at the age of 15.
Smilodonian favor the following weapons, Spears, Javelins, Clubs, Bows, and Stone Axes. By far the most widely preferred
weapon of the Smilodonian is the Huge Club. Made of either bone or wood, Smilodonian favor this weapon due to the amount of
damage they can unleash. These weapons are usually adorned with elaborate carvings and designs. Smilodonian rarely were armor,
except during times of war. They use Tower Shields made of wood and don bone or wooden armor.
Smilodonians gain a +1 Strength, but a -2 to Intelligence and a -5 to Comeliness
Fighter (10), Barbarian (8), Berserker (8), Shaman (10), Cleric (6), Druid (5)
Multi Classes: Fighter /Shaman or (Druid)
Str Min 11
Str Max 19
Dex Min 6
Dex Max 18
Con Min 11
Con Max 18
Int Min 3
Int Max 16
Wis Min 3
Wis Max 18
Chr Min 3
Chr Max 18
Com Min -2
Com Max 13
Racial Boons
Natural AC 6
Gain the Savage Packages for Free
Smilodonians gain an extra bite attack a round for 2d4 points of damage.
Racial Banes
Smilodonians take larger that man damage
People view this race as a monster. They gain a -3 reaction adjustment.
Armor and Clothing for Smilodonians cost 200% more due to their large size.
Starting BP 8
Acute Scene of Smell, Ambidextrous, Blind Fighting, Endurance, Javelin Bonus, Spear Bonus, Acute Observation, Attack Higher,
Critical Hit Bonus, Pain Resistance, Thick Headed, Thick Blood, Unyielding, Any other talent that says “any”.
New Talent
Tiger Companion (15 BP): This character starts off with a trained Smilodon (Sabertooth Tiger). Much like an elf with animal
companion starts off with a Elven war dog.
Male 78 Female 75 +3d6
Male 500 Female 470 + 4d20
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4
Max Age: 70 + 2d20
Middle: 35 Old:46 Variable: 70
Miniatures of this race are made by reaper miniatures and can be purchused online at:
Figure: 2785: Sabretooth Tiger Man
by Jason Weibe
The Liontaur (Unsanctioned Race)
Converted from the 2E book "The Humanoids Handbook" for Hackmaster by Doctor Doom
Liontaur (Wimic)
Liontaurs (or Wimics) are a combination of a lion and a human. The bottom half is that of a lion with four legs and instead
of a lion head, there is a human torso. The head is that of a human type face with lion features. These creatures roam the
Savannas of many of the worlds of the prime material planes. There are even some mountain lion variations in the mountains
regions of some worlds. No one knows were these majestic beast sprang from, but they can breed with humans. Such a pairing
will only produce offspring 10% of the time. The off spring will be the race of the mother most of the time (75%) . There
are instances where the mother will give birth to that of the fathers race (25%). Wimics born in such a manner are eligible
for the take after talent in the Gamemasters Guide.
Liontaurs gain a +1 Strength, but a -1 to Dexterity and a -5 to Comeliness
Fighter (10), Shaman (6), Cleric (6), Barbarian (8), Berserker (8), Ranger (8), Druid (5), Gladiator (10) Multi Classes:
Fighter or (Berzerker) /Shaman or (Druid)
Str Min 11
Str Max 19
Dex Min 6
Dex Max 17
Con Min 11
Con Max 18
Int Min 3
Int Max 18
Wis Min 3
Wis Max 18
Chr Min 3
Chr Max 18
Com Min -2
Com Max 13
Racial Boons
Natural AC 6
Gain an extra attack (in addition to all other attacks) with both front leg claws for 1-4 points of damage.
+5 additional HP at 1st level
Racial Banes
Liontaurs take larger that man damage
There are many magical items Liontaurs cannot were due to their shape (boots, armor, leggings, ect.)
People view this race as a monster. They gain a -6 reaction adjustment.
Armor and Clothing for Liontaurs cost 500% more due to their odd shape.
Starting BP: 5
Acute Scene of Smell, Ambidextrous, Blind Fighting, Endurance, Javelin Bonus, Spear Bonus, Acute Observation, Take After
Talent, Attack Higher, Critical Hit Bonus, Pain Resistance, Thick Headed, Unyielding, Sabertooth Any other talent that says
New Talent
Sabertooth (15 BP): A liontaur with this talent has Sabertooth tiger blood some where in his line. Even though the Liontaur
is a large creature, he only get medium creature damage from this extra attack (on top of any other attacks) because of his
human size mouth. (1d4).
Male 78 Female 75 +3d6
Male 700 Female 670 + 4d20
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4
Max Age: 70 + 2d20
Middle: 35 Old:46 Variable: 70
Treants (Coming Soon)
Converted by DarkRPG for HackMaster
Available on the Psycho Gamers Web site. Click on minotaur picture for link.