The Golden Age of Ganna 1995-1996
The Golden Age was the very beginning of the group. The group was very small and young. Doctor Doom ran all of the games and
the Ancient Evil, Raymamon and DarkRPG were players. Ancient Evil, DarkRPG, and Raymamon were all in high school and Doctor
Doom was going to college and working a crappy part time job. Many of the games were homebrewed adventures, but he did run
some modules. The first module Doom ran was # #9354 - FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar. All the games were played in Raymamons
room at his parents house. The characters most played during this Era are as follows (The actual name of DarkRPG's character
has been changed to his character Alias, because he claims someone will steel is characters name and use it in a fantasy book
or something.) .
Click to see a typical Game with Rakteem the Lich |
Name: Rakteem Fireheart Human Generalist 32nd level
Player: DarkRPG
Rakteem is currently one of the most power PC's in Doctor Doom's Campaign. Back in 2E he advanced to 32 level and commanded
an army of 200 succubus. He later over took the Kaas empire and lead it until recently. The character was originally named
Rastlin and had golden skin and hour glass eyes, but as the character grew (and the 17 year old player learned that rip off
characters suck)and he later renamed him. After reaching the ripe old age of 110, DarkRPG decided to take the plunge and go
for lichdom. Rakteem has had many a child over the years and the Fireheart line is very long, with winds and twist of infertelity.
Rakteems miniature was originaly a Ral Partha Ravenloft figure 11-119 Bellac Gordol. He looked like Ronald Regan in a cape.
Hence the picture.
Name: Lestar Edrick Vanderhoth 30th Level Human Cavalier
Player: Ancient Evil
Born of a noble family from Kaas, Lestar quickly became the black sheep of the Vanderhoth family. He accepted a position
as the leader of the army of Takisis. He changed his alighnment to evil and was defeated by greed when slain out of jealousy
by Rakteem Fireheart and Shenee Norseall. This has spawned a huge rivalry in the game between DarkRPG and Ancient Evil, that
seems (at the moment) to barely have seen it's way through. The story goes like this. The Dark Queen Takisis'army was amassing
itself on the shores of Kardassa. That evening Lestar had a plan. He attempted to have Rakteem polymorph him into the semblance
of his older brother Neven who had a large army. He would then lead Neven's troops to aid his own cause.
DarkRPG : "You have to accept the spell so that you wont have to make a saving throw."
Ancient Evil "Okay, I accept the spell."
DarkRPG "I polymorph him into a purple garble."
Ancient Evil: "WHAT!"
Troy: "I assassinate the purple garble."
DarkRPG <evil laughter> "Hoo Haaa, Haaa, Haaa, Haaa"
Ancient Evil: "WHY!? We could have taken over the world?"
DarkRPG: "I should have been in charge dude. Serves the dark queen right."
The army then dispersed and Ancient Evil and DarkRPG fought in the game for years.
Lestar married a dragon and they had a lot of children. He formed an army and forged the Lestarian empire. His army is
mostly made up of skeletal troops. Lestar brainwashed his people into thinking donating their skeletons to the cause was noble.
Most Lestarians do not fear death, for they know they will rise again in Lestar's name. When Lestar was aging, he had his
wizards find a way to make him into a death knight. He now leads his undead army from beyond the grave.
Lestars name was also changed from the original. (Hint: It was a vampires name from the Anne Rice novel)
Name: Cindy Quickfoot 25th Level Half Drow Thief
Player: Raymamon
Cindy Quickfoot was the first character Raymamon ever played. I thought he rolled her up, but he claims that I gave her
to him preregenerated. Cindy had a 16 comeliness and I told Raymamon that "She's as hot as Cindy Crawford." , so
that's what he named her. Later he changed the name to Cindy Swifthand and since that sounded dirty he changed it to Quickfoot.
Cindy has been the butt of many a joke. Raymamon was a quite guy and most of the time he would only say "I Bow"
or even motion a bowing action. For the longest time she didn't use any thief abilities and for the two years the group played
these character, the only thing she was known for was picking pocketing Rakteem's bag of holding and selling it to a barbarian.
Cindy was supposedly a half drow and we didn't know she would have drow skin, but this is the way we will remember her.
Name: Shenee Norsalle 25th Level Half Orc Assassin
Player: Troy
Troy played with the group for the last part of the Golden Age. He started off his half orc assassin at 12th level and
gamed with the group for about a year. His assassin was known for giving the fatal blow to Leatar during the "Dark Queen
Incident". Shenee retired and was head of a large assassins guild and finally died of old age. The last game she played
in was Die Vecna Die, where she bitch slapped Vecna by throwing 2 hammers of thunderbolts at him.
Silver Age of Ganna 1997-1999
The Silver Age was right after the Golden Age. This was about the time that DarkRPG began to run on his homebrewed game of
RUNE. These characters were ran on my Game simultaneously.
Name: Deelet TearStar Human (now a lich) Mage: Generalist 30th level
Player: Raymamon
Deelet's name was ripped off from the popular amine The "Record of Lodoss War", even though the character itself could not
be any farther from the one in the amine. Deelet was a lesbian sorceress that had an affair with Rakteema Fireheart. The two
meet while adventuring. During her adventuring career, Deelet had many children with many different father. She had a half
clay golem child named Clayface once while she was charmed. Later, her and Rakteema landed a spell jamming ship onto DarkRPG's
world of Rune and "had relations" with characters from that world. Deelet ran to a were raven named Max and had a child named
Armando. She gave birth to the child in 9 hours with use of a spell and then ran over to another character named Jerome (DarkRPG's
Ultra powerful Dark Knight) and had another child named Antonio. This was known as the Invasion of the Space Sluts. Even later
in her career, she started a town named Deelite and a flying castle. Devils attacked the city and she flew away in her castle
with her children. Someone traveled to the future and meet Deelet. She was a lich and her castle was crashed into the side
of a mountain. Raymamon said this would never happen. Later, the Gawd Loki cursed Deelet into Lichdom. The castle has yet
to fall into the mountain. Raymamon always said she looked like Jennifer Love Hewette.
Name: Rakteema Fireheart Human (later she found she was a Devil Spawn) Healer Level 30
Player: DarkRPG
Rakteema is the daughter of Rakteem. For a long time no one knew who Rakteemas mother really was. Rakteem was married to another
woman named Vanessa and had other children with her. After her death, Rakteem had children with some "unkown" woman and then
with Doctordooms character Zorina. Years later Rakteem reviled to Rakteema that her mother was Elliam- Queen of the Succubbi.
Rakteem lead an army of 200 succubbi and unlashed them on the town of Morning Star. Rakteem had polymorphed the young infant
at birth. Now he dispelled it and she was a devil spawn. Before this in her adventuring days Rakteema was engaged to a sage.
Rakteema was pregnant and spell jamming. DarkRPG in real life wanted to play a thief character and rolled for the sages and
Rakteema's stats in the gene pool method and got great stats for a mage of cleric, but a way crappy theif. It was then that
Rakteema took part in the Space Sluts incident (see Deelets background) and gave birth to the sages son and then had sex with
a thief from his campaign named Parce the thief and tried to pass them off as twins. It was impossible for the two of them
to be twins since the sage was a wimpy white guy and the baby was olive skinned and cores haired.
Dark Ages 1999 - 2000
The Dark Ages occurred after many of kids in the groups got girl friends. It became harder and harder to keep asses in the
seats during games. The group became DarkRPG and who ever
else who didn't have plans.
Name: Corpse Mardith Elf (turned Human) Dark Knight/Mage 30/20
Player: Dark RPG
If ever I created a monster, this was the time. Korps Mardith started in a one time game I ran in which the characters were
Saints of the Gawds. Korps was the son of Hades. He had many fantastic powers, most of which would (and for good reason should
not) be given to a player. Korps was given the following powers. Bat wings to fly with, Power word kill 1/day, Summon the
Furies or Cerberus once every 20 years. The character originally started off as an elf and the story you are about to read
came from many edits.
His mother was a worshiper of Hades in a lawful good Grey Elf city named Osfed. His mother was visited by Hades and they had
this child. The child was odd and the elven children picked on him. An incident named "The massacre at the Harlow Fields"
was caused by Korps. The story goes that some elven children chased Korps through the forest hitting him with rocks. Before
he lost consciousness he called for help. When the adults arrived they found the elven children killed by scourge whips and
torn apart. Korps was thought to be dead, but he was actually alive, hence they called him Korps. His mother was blamed for
the incident and burned at the stake. Years later Korps joined the army and was hideously scarred with black dragon acid and
left for dead. It was at this time that Korps was told by Hades that he was his son and he became his Dark Knight. Officially
Korps played as a fighter until 20th level and became a grand master in long sword and then became human and duel classed.
In reality, DarkRPG won me in an archery competition and that was the prize. DarkRPG then dule classed Korps into a wizard
where he passed him off as Copes son Morps. Morps would close the door on his companions and kill everything inside and no
one would ask how he did it. Later, in Die Vecna Die he obtained the hand and eye of Vecna. He wielded the Famed :"Trientity"
sword (from Encyclopedia Magica IV) for a while until he obtained a +13 unholy reaper. Korps has a HUGE assortment of magical
items. These were recieved because of the time in which the character was played. At this time most of the group never came
and Korps usually picked what he wanted when the game was over or killed and took what he wanted. He was also known for killing
4 solars in 2 rounds. As a GM I say Never again.
The Electrum Age 2000-2003
The Electrum Age was formed when Bekker and Black Widow joined the group.
Name: Vorsha Mandragoron Human Fighter/Chosen One 20/19
Player: Black Widow
Vorsha Mandragoron was originally a played as a female minotaur. Her family was killed by minotaurs when she was young and
she dedicated her life to hunting them down. She was then cursed by the Minotaur Gawd Bacca, to be one. She adventured like
that for 10 levels and then the cures was cured. Later, she was called to become the chosen one of set. She traveled to yellow
city and proved herself as the chosen one. Her last trial was in a small room. Vorsha entered and found her family alive.
Set was in the room holding the Trientity. She had to choose between killing her family and keeping the trientity, or leaving
with her family. Vorsha chose and killed her family. Later she adventures with Morps the mage (That was DarkRPG's Korps in
disguise). The completed Die Vecna Die and she formed a kingdom named Wyverns Bluff. Vorsha also quested for a rare artifact
named The Fang of Set and Set blessed her with Type E poison skin. Black Widow said that Vorsha looked like Laura Elena Harring
from the movie Mulholland Drive.